Do you want to increase your energy, build your strength, and enjoy greater balance in your life?

Wouldn’t you love it if you could finally figure out how to be fit and healthy in a way that works with your busy life?


Imagine a lifestyle that provides you more energymore confidence, and a reclaimed zest for life!

But right now you’re frustruated.

You know you should be working out, but you don’t know what to do or when you’d ever have the time to do it.

You know you should be eating healthier, but you don’t really know how to make it happen without becoming a short-order cook.

You know you should understand what’s going on with your body, but you don’t really know if what’s happening is normal or not. (And you don’t know who to ask to help you figure it out!)

The truth is walking on your wellness journey doesn’t require a gym membership, an hour a day, a chef’s training, or a medical degree.

Balance Personal Fitness Training believes that small changes in your fitness and wellness add up to big changes in your life.

Whether you are pregnant, a new mom, busy with work and family life, or looking for ways to survive & thrive in menopause, I can help bring balance to your life!

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Thanks so much for your coaching and also the accountability that comes with someone who knows what you are trying to do and can encourage you along the path to doing it. You are wonderful! It’s so fun to have the girls swimming with you this week – I do keep chuckling at the ways you coach them that I heard adapted to me in your coaching of me.  We’re so lucky to have you in our lives!


Personal Training Client

You can take a lot of credit for my success. It’s not perfect, but it feels great to have generally added exercise to my routine. I just don’t feel as good when I don’t do it…physically or emotionally.  I will definitely send any friends your way as I sing your praises on a regular basis.

Michelle N.